Welcome to this very WIP website for my very WIP online game.
Dev 3.0 Server Online.
Companions are essentially party members that can be obtained and leveled up individually to help the player in battle, companions are not controlled by the player and will do their own thing in battle, they usually have certain niches, such as some being proficient at a specific elemental magic, what you decide to use will depend on the situation and areas you want to go.

Obtaining Companions:
Companions can be obtained in a range of different ways, some will be obtained through the story, some through sidequests, some from events, and some might even be monsters that can be caught in the wild.

AI Controlled:
Companions control themselves, doing actions as they see fit, however, keep in mind that companions will target the same targets as you, so whatever you target in battle (both friendly and enemy) will be the same targets that the companion will also consider.

Training Companions:
Companions have a level and exp bar just like the player, they will level up along with the player as you use them in battle, and grow stronger automatically, however, keep in mind that when switching between companions, their current EXP will be reset to 0, note that this is only the current EXP progress, levels will always be saved.

Using Items:
You can use any normal healing items that can be used on the player such as Potion, Ethers, etc, on companions while in battle, however outside of battle you can only use companion specific items to heal your companion.

Dying and Resurrecting:
Companions that have died will stay at 0 HP even after battle, they can be resurrected with specific companion items or they can be revived by healing at the guide NPC or other healing sources in the world.

Switching Companions:
Switching between companions can only be done in towns or areas where there is a Companion Master NPC, however dismissing a companion can be done from the companion window.

Getting Started:
You gain access to companions after following the story until after you fight the first boss, after which a green quest will become available in Aurora Village from the Companion NPC that will get you started.